Wednesday 21 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (21st August 2024)

Are opposite directions in view or just both looking in the same direction just not at eachother. May be following the same light however to be coming from the same direction. Still both want the same thing, it's just not where first thought to be. 

This predicament has allowed for time to briefly pause. It's purpose so can resolve before time starts continuing. Consider not that the predicament is the cause for a standstill. Merely to say, it is impossible to further plans until the obstacle is out of the way. 

It's called, took on more than bargained for. As generous as might be, that purse is not big enough to fit in the size of what has been traded on. Just shows, at the end of the day, no matter how much, it's just small figures in comparison to the size of the object to replace with. 

The End. Two words placed at a point of telling there is no more to give. Yet, for whom. For the story to tell it is, the end. However, for the one being told the story, it's only the beginning. There is so much more. 

If only had met eachother already before. Then this confusion for both on the perspectives to have won't seem uneducated. Would have an understanding to be on the same wavelength. How matters have turned out, it's like being lost in an other place, yet gradually each given mindset slowly makes sense. 

In the forest; that's the difference between business and pleasure. We all know everyone has temptations for guilty pleasures. Yet, it is in light of business we are seemly present in anyone's company. Those pleasures are stored at the back of the mind. And introduced privately where prying eyes are not peering to be. 

In the stones; some times in life where to discover 'there can only be one' that it will be feasible on both sides to turn away from that winning goal, this decision then makes both winners than to fight over who is whether sobeit to seem as losers, love knows it's limits for when and where it is found so why push further to a disagreeable state of mind.

Joshua Ch.24:V.14 " - Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD." 

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