Saturday 31 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (31st August 2024)

For some, words are as a drifting cloud that passes by. For others, they are a weapon like to fire a cannon. 

If eyes do not deceive then visions are right to be wary of. Trusted those instincts already, and now here's the proof to see. 

Even that of whom rears it's ugly head can be shown a path of righteousness. Just show them a path alternative to the reputation that holds them to it. 

Even sweeping away some old cobwebs has its drama. Like a gust of wind and it's not just the cobwebs to be swept away. 

Might want a head check, where to say how everything is upside down, sure it's not oneself who is and everything is in its normal place. This difference in knowing will determine if every other has been dealing with matters being upside down. Or it's just a personal issue to contend with. 

In the forest; although to have boundaries do make room for some extra curiosity. Pondering over what would be will never be sought. To take a sudden risk may just find the answer. Also knowing that they too have boundaries. So will understand the stepping over the mark and respecting the space they allow but not permit. 

In the stones; while matters are as going around on a merry-go-round emotions are actually still, just as to make it seem are in motion then who's to argue how matters are, love will need a serious conversation at some point away from all the pretense and drama.

Philemon Ch.1:V.21 " - Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say." 

Friday 30 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (30th August 2024)

What can anyone do, they want their first glance characterised appearance to make an impression. Just have to take it cautiously. 

Nevermind it being a small world, as now are willing to take matters to the size of the moon. Whatever becomes of all this only have oneself to blame. Should have stuck with the world, instead. 

To them it's about living upto their standards, however or whoever to be, if have what it takes to impress them. 

Unfortunately, that is exactly how they see it. The castle to come visiting like they're on a trip to Disney land. That's how they believe the historic home will be welcoming. 

Just another day on the job for them. To everyone else it is a joy and pleasure. Must be enthralling to have a face for the radio. It goes the same with many other pleasures to be guilty of. Having an interest in some part of theirs but never knowing who they actual are. 

In the forest; that's how it goes, one moment think are on dry land. Next minute realise how deep in water to get when to start seeing the teeth to sharks about to bite. May not have realised the depths to find oneself in. Least can decide how deeper to go and whether to let those sharks bite. That's the choices to have, understanding the circumstances and then decide what to do next. 

In the stones; not always tall towering people who get noticed as sometimes even hidden amongst a crowd can spot someone, once to spot them who are those tall towering so and sos anyway as they distantly fade into the background, love helps to find oneself as like being lost in a crowd and now are found knowing their place.

1 Timothy Ch.4:V.5 " - For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer." 

Thursday 29 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (29th August 2024)

Not even the most organised filed priorities can make an unnerved mind be at ease. 

In this instance, wear that smile like to mean it. What is beyond deeply past that smile has no need for a meaning for now. 

It's going to be for leaving it upto oneself to realise. Already on a short leash, for how far that brain is allowed to take matters. So let's see how long it takes to realise just how far. 

If to hit that wall any harder might find that head appearing from out of that rear end. Have some sense, surely. 

It's a selfish thing, but it is a thoughtful thing to do. Praying for another yet are praising it never happened to them. Perhaps if allow them time rather than hope, to gather themselves around others again. 

In the forest; try not to let own paranoia convince the mind. For what are seeing is those making comfort than watchful eyes keeping tabs on everything. In fact, if to be guided by their glowing attraction may just get their attention and willing to share that comfort. 

In the stones; just a passenger who is insistent for where they go and when they get there, this passenger may as well do the driving themselves for the selfish attitude they consider towards any others, love will prefer to fight off the masses than take on this solo act of determination.

Daniel Ch.8:V.14 " - And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed." 

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (28th August 2024)

Take the path for what it is right now, no point stretching the distance when are unaware for any outcomes. 

Perhaps do not see for any bother for being upon the shoulder of giants. The pace they'll make is far bigger in step than having to fight through the masses. 

Puzzling are their face, not knowing how or where to begin solving their riddle of curiosity. 

If only things were as magical as a trick and problems can be solved by a wave of a wand. There's no magic hat in this instance to be pulling out any rabbit. 

It would be as a rabbit in headlights, only the headlights are not on. So whatever is head on is in the dark. Don't be surprised of any sudden criticism for walking in others shoes. 

In the forest; channeling the senses is balancing the mind and focusing for a direct notion. However, some may need to listen to one side louder than the other. That is for being unbalanced in mind for what is more important. Sometimes, listening naturally to anything is a normal frequency of thoughts. Like a regular occurrence of natural interest. Yet, it also has the mind focus far more than the need to focus all around. Sensing all around. 

In the stones; it was made especially for moments as these and there's thinking it's design was unusual, as time will tell everything will fall into place like naturally as whoever created such a thing obviously knew how history may repeat itself, love will only ever feel as if to be repeating itself all for not finding true love.

Isaiah Ch.52:V.10 " - The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God." 

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (27th August 2024)

Well they're not hiding their face from what they believe in. Far from it, and can see by their appearance are very much involved. 

Diving in the deep end because someone else encourages it. But, what do you think? 

First impressions that never impressed, can be what has anyone stuck in their old ways. For not knowing how that first impression could have developed further. So repeatedly keep trying with the same òle same òle. 

They spread their wings alright, it's just they seem to hover every so often. Like a bird of prey deciding on where to swoon down on. Obviously choose at random than fly at a distance. 

Couldn't be anymore in the face than it is right now. Seriously, can see the temptation in the eyes, are really going to turn a blind eye to something so obvious. Oh well. Bury that head in the sand. They are not going to hang around for too long if others are more willing. 

In the forest; seeing it all wrong. For whom to consider as the 'bad man', was trying to prevent a chain of further events. That toll they put on people, was intended to stop the use of what already is an obstacle. They knew if making use of one idea will create a line of more problematic occurrences. Their theory was to prevent that from evolving. 

In the stones; however to see eachother being together when it comes down to the last thing to stand by on are each to their own, not all promises are made for the sake of all yet are made for alone and alone only, love will have a strong bond although still a wedge between true feelings.

Zechariah Ch.8:V.21 " - And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also." 

Monday 26 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (26th August 2024)

Need a selfless mind and no arrogance. The first step to romancing is having trust, then all else naturally follows. 

If heroes do not wear capes then why is it those cape wearing heroes are more super. 

There will always be for that chancer. The one who brings out the purpose of the big guns. 

Somethings should be naturally known, instincts that come with the development in life. However, there is sometimes for a moment when even nature itself ends up scratching its head. 

If cannot keep the own house in order, then how two-faced to become. While one side gives a vision for all, the other side keeps a more sinister purpose. 

In the forest; and so, the little birdy who had plenty to tell. Now becomes the leader of the land. Quite simply. They came with knowledge, they saw the reaction, they conquered over all. 
Next time a little birdy has something to tell, be sure it's worth the time and effort of knowing. 

In the stones; some are lured by what is before them and some are carried upon a dream, while the truth is told the dreamers continue searching for what they're looking for, love will forever be searching if horizons keep promising for something better.

Proverbs Ch.23:V.10 " - Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless:" 

Sunday 25 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (25th August 2024)

The slightest part out of touch and they're onto it. They literally watch the grass grow and one smallest bit out of line and they bring the law down like a tonne of bricks. 

Letting things get on top of every other important matter. And that letting off steam is like seeing a mushroom cloud explode from their brain. Try not to pile it on too much, introduce it easily. 

The direction was to make way around to one side and cross that bridge. However, as scenery can grab that attention. That bridge has an attractive view from the side and now prefer to journey under it. 

Watchful eyes from that platform trying to get to. Surely there is a reason and a know-how to get there. Work out what they don't look out for and there's the solution. 

No point trying to make any sense of their screaming in the face approach. Not without knowing what they want to scream about. Just another one of those problems that isn't actually a problem, so why try to fix it when it's not broken, so to metaphorically speak. Isn't it odd, how personally to live in a problem free world yet it is others who say otherwise. 

In the forest; if only the usual daily routine was going out to chew the cud. Even that has for those romantic moments that encourage more to reach out for. With an uplifting feeling those obstacles are just hurdles to regularly jump over. When they say 'love is in the air' they do mean up on high and anything worth need seeing to are under their feet. 

In the stones; if all the answers to find were discovered within an orb then it will be empty until the one with a question seeks that answer, this same empty mindset occurs too within anyone's mind unless to ask won't get, love is not just on words it is an emotion and physical attraction where the right question must be asked or the answer will be wrong.

1 Samuel Ch.26:V.24 " - And, behold, as thy life was much set by this day in mine eyes, so let my life be much set by in the eyes of the LORD, and let him deliver me out of all tribulation." 

Saturday 24 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (24th August 2024)

Since they claim to rule over this place, they sure have a presence like a pride of lions. 

Have everything out of proportion, what suppose to be relaxing only in which way exactly. It certainly isn't in mind, body, and spirit. 

Well certainly is in small doses, that's how to like it. Or maybe that's just how they can and are making the most of it. 

Being larger than life has its pros and cons. It is the oversized ego to wear heavily that prevents from fitting in too well. 

Too much to go working out, it'll be ideal to remain with a clearer head. If only it was this clear during the moment now wanting to piece together. Still, everyone are passing under that arch only to others it is like water under a bridge. 

In the forest; imagine living in a world of grey dull surroundings. Whichever way to look a dreary outlook. And in comes fluttering a colourful winged beauty. Bright and stylish with an energetic personality. It's enough to cheer any grey area. Frantically for being the only colourful joy to appear. 

In the stones; whoever convinces them they won't have to make a more of an effort is potential, why would they try twice as hard to get the same results as that whom gives it simply, love should be straightforward in either circumstance since it's all for one thing.

St.Luke Ch.16:V.15 " - And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." 

Friday 23 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd August 2024)

When to consider the phrase, "the ball is in your court". In which sporting method do think it got there. A bat and ball, kicking, throwing, rolling, or perhaps flicking. Now that depends on the size of the ball in matter, so nevermind the size of the court. 

Yes, secret contraptions very well do exist. That moving bookcase really is there. Just have to find the lever, oh, even that is obvious. Or is it? 

It needn't a little birdy to tell, that there is more to life out there. Things are not as lonely as they seem. Take that little birdy for instance, they're presently alive themselves. 

Believe it or not, while they roamed around inside a big house. Their concerns were in thought for those who have trouble finding themselves lost. So they gave the means to be assisted. Nothing more worse than looking for somewhere in particular but discover somewhere unintentionally. 

Not everyone earns their attire by natural process. Yet, it is an appearance that addresses them as important. However unimportant they established it. And now they look down at those weary souls whom had fought hard for that same position. Only it was not to be for just any other. 

In the forest; some things can be more than smoothed over. Too smooth in fact, it causes to slide right across and fall off the end. Just as long as knowing the direction to go in. Can walk in on a smooth surface stepping sideways. If the direction is right, then it doesn't matter how to get there as long as to get there. 

In the stones; depends on how to look at it whether to be coming from an edge or have arrived at one, however so there's always a horizon to contemplate like a mountain to reach the other side of, love itself is being a tightrope to walk with that heavy weighted dip in the middle yet either way now requires the same effort.

Isaiah Ch.54:V.13 " - And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of thy children." 

Thursday 22 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (22nd August 2024)

While it seems to have them gagged from saying another word. It only made them stronger to comeback with even more hardhitting words. Might as well as just take it on the chin. 

Think maybe, putting that well-earned long going family company, a little too soon to have baby claiming it like a sign on their cradle. Don't forget, the cradle needs to be rocked, while placing that name on it? 

Clearly baby has other ideas for how to play ball. Instead of learning and understanding, they find throwing the ball for dog to fetch is more fun. 

Gather the shabby look was not the idea for how to be seen. Yet, here we are, with a thick coat like a huge poodle. Shame! 

They don't have the pressure of time. No matter how many times they keep going around like a fish in a bowl. Time ticks by like no one cares. As long as others know precisely when it is time. 

In the forest; there are some cloths that become cut for individual pieces. And all in all share equally the same purpose. However, there are also those who stretch that cloth far and wide to spread across. And without a snip of cloth to piece. These certain types are selfish and controlling. Be sure the pattern suits as it will form eventually. 

In the stones; not even a turbo backpack can guarantee reaching the peak of that mountain, besides it'll be cheating for not putting in the extra effort once held in their arms, love is a marathon not a sprint that not even those trying to win can get there faster.

Isaiah Ch.52:V.14 " - As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:" 

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (21st August 2024)

Are opposite directions in view or just both looking in the same direction just not at eachother. May be following the same light however to be coming from the same direction. Still both want the same thing, it's just not where first thought to be. 

This predicament has allowed for time to briefly pause. It's purpose so can resolve before time starts continuing. Consider not that the predicament is the cause for a standstill. Merely to say, it is impossible to further plans until the obstacle is out of the way. 

It's called, took on more than bargained for. As generous as might be, that purse is not big enough to fit in the size of what has been traded on. Just shows, at the end of the day, no matter how much, it's just small figures in comparison to the size of the object to replace with. 

The End. Two words placed at a point of telling there is no more to give. Yet, for whom. For the story to tell it is, the end. However, for the one being told the story, it's only the beginning. There is so much more. 

If only had met eachother already before. Then this confusion for both on the perspectives to have won't seem uneducated. Would have an understanding to be on the same wavelength. How matters have turned out, it's like being lost in an other place, yet gradually each given mindset slowly makes sense. 

In the forest; that's the difference between business and pleasure. We all know everyone has temptations for guilty pleasures. Yet, it is in light of business we are seemly present in anyone's company. Those pleasures are stored at the back of the mind. And introduced privately where prying eyes are not peering to be. 

In the stones; some times in life where to discover 'there can only be one' that it will be feasible on both sides to turn away from that winning goal, this decision then makes both winners than to fight over who is whether sobeit to seem as losers, love knows it's limits for when and where it is found so why push further to a disagreeable state of mind.

Joshua Ch.24:V.14 " - Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD." 

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th August 2024)

Got more chance sliding across on skates than actually taking to the skies and flying. Will be waiting till the crows come home before are capable of doing so. 

If it didn't have a name then how will the place gain a reputation. It'll just be another building along the same street as all the other buildings. 

Going to need more than a few tricks up that sleeve than appearing holding a coat of arms to stand by. 

Had paid any attention to anything they been saying all along. Might find they already are going in the same direction. 

It's not taking a gamble, it's taking precautions. Knowing when is the best time and place. In fact it's the complete opposite of a gamble when trying to avoid that risk taking. Not just trying to please oneself but many others at the same time. 

In the forest; in any surrounding or background can have grace and elegance. Not just pretty dresses and spiral staircases. An enchanting world of flowers and trees can have the same similar grace and elegance. It's all about holding their own. Princesses are not just in castles and go to balls. They can be faeries with magic and a world of wonderful charm. 

In the stones; this downward motion has clearly been done before as to follow in that direction carries the mind carefully, this controlled situation allows how and when to take this inevitable position in life, love is also similar it is inevitable yet in full control for as of when and how it occurs.

Micah Ch.7:V.3 " - That they may do evil with both hands earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward; and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up." 

Monday 19 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (19th August 2024)

Understand their natural ability and the reason for their existence. Look deeper than seeing a ferocious beast and might find a better use to their fire breathing skills. 

More than a helping hand, they literally have in the palm of their hand to carry that matter. 

Is it ever a wonder why that open book, an ancient written scripture, has the same chapter repeated over and over. After all this time any will be thinking why the page hasn't been turned yet. 

Some faces just have it written all over. Don't even have to ask, can tell and empathise with a sense of knowing. 

In this instance, it is not what gets brought to the table, but who has their feet under it. A simple matter, as for whom by name holds that table up. Even if to consider other mouths to feed as being pets. Those with feet under also place hands upon where many already brought to the table. 

In the forest; must be the enchanting magic that keeps their interests keen. A lost kingdom in a forest of wonder and spellbound by it's surreal supernatural presence. Even though to be given the ruby slippers to simply return home. Decide to stay for being out of the norm and away from the usual routine. Sounds too good to be true. 

In the stones; don't be surprised coming to meet that random individual who wonders why everyone else gets to have all the romantic fun, they do exist and instead for seeking their own to be romantic with will try to ruin it for everyone else, love is more stronger than their sabotage and will lay the path with their intent to walk all over it.

Jeremiah Ch.25:V.6 " - And go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of your hands; and I will do you no hurt." 

Sunday 18 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (18th August 2024)

Only if sure the drawbridge is for lowering. Knowing what lurks outside is clear and unaware. The more effort is returning so be certain for sure. 

While there is this boundary to consider. The real fact is, crossing that boundary is more fearing of they coming over than the latter. 

We all have our own ways for doing things. Meeting in the middle surely did not require them to stretch further than if they had done so equally. 

Their visions are enforced to peer over where they're encouraged to. What they happen to stumble upon is for being demanded of. 

The roots have taken and now set, their establishing means are guaranteed. Like putting a name on it and the message is delivered. This message is the cloth to be cut from that spreads like wings for others to be taken under. 

In the forest; a river wide looks simple and straight to it. However, it is not the dry land to be on foot and can make quick decisions for direction. The river flows south and in one direction that river bends. Not all things are as simple as to seem. 

In the stones; their intentions is to find what to be sheltering from rather than know for the shelter, if to expect them to be under that roof they need to know what's above it, love as trusting to feel is not for being drawn in when are fearing to be drawn out.

1 Kings Ch.21:V.19 " - And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, Hast thou killed, and also taken possession? And thou shalt speak unto him, saying, Thus saith the LORD, In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth shall dogs lick thy blood, even thine."

Saturday 17 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (17th August 2024)

The idea of a spanner in the works is that it disrupts something that's in motion. It doesn't seem likely this idea will ever take off. So the irony, of what spanner. 

Taking such a huge calculation on just something small and simple. Working out the whole surroundings and environment for a single flower to grow. 

Don't take it too personally, their eyes are fixated on that particular spot. And just so happen to find oneself being within that locality. 

Like water off a ducks back? Try telling that to the frog who has never been kissed. How much of an insult do anyone need to take before it's a wound. 

Words that can never fail are carved into stone to be set for eternity. These words will win over others even if attending the madhatters teaparty. 

In the forest; been too busy listening to talk the talk. What hadn't noticed was in the background. Where going on is walk the walk. All that distraction and making promises, clearly didn't realise it was already in the bag. Which was on their part the cart before the horse. Going ahead with plans on arrogance and then discussing the idea. 

In the stones; quoting them on it has those to kamikaze for an entrance, no point dragging those heels with this one as that ball now rolling is moving fast, love is already two steps ahead so now to decide on that next step.

Isaiah Ch.22:V.12 " - And in that day did the Lord God of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth:" 

Friday 16 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (16th August 2024)

Pretty basic really, just sugarcoated to seem designer in a modern world. Strip it back from that gold plated look and it's just the original invention. 

Unfortunately are preaching to the choir, so no, they won't fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Although, could use them as the hook. 

Their only advantage is the birds eye view. If can maneuver without being in their sight, since they already know what to look out for. Then continuing without their judgement may prevail. 

It's not a race but there sure are a hell of lot for similar interests all heading in the same direction. So much so it has been established to accompany as many at once. Just stay calm and will get there in due course. 

There are some things worth keeping. Especially if there seems to be no modernised version to keep it up-to-date. How else to expect an old tape be played on today's way of doing things. Particularly if it is for something of a sentimental importance. Try to ignore the clowns who will prefer if to throw 'old memories' away. And adapt to other methods, yet no means to keep them alive. 

In the forest; for someone in a hurry sure isn't going anywhere fast. Never seen a speedy pace actually not move a single step. Yet, somehow here is the results of that haste. Suddenly it's all here like had already prepared. And just needed everyone else to be upto speed. Clever. 

In the stones; the saying "can't have everything go your way" is having a choice of direction, if can distinguish between what is a keen interest and what is temptation then the choices are simple, love won't be any less conspicuous than the obvious sign of which direction to decide on.

St. Mark Ch.8:V.36 " - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (15th August 2024)

That's the wonder, what is it all about. That question has the interest keen for centuries. So much so, it's symbolic with certain areas. 

Can't expect it to suddenly appear just as exactly to want it to. Must be patient and keep calm for when they show off their true colours. 

Planning on a long journey always has a single focus and never consider the long journey back again. 

Surely taking a dive into the deep end doesn't help in the future long run. What if in need for rescuing and back to where it all started. 

Being a part of their world surely shouldn't have overwhelming feelings as being out of this world. The irony, if there ever was one. Just get a grip whether it requires tightening a few loose screws. For the sake of all others, they too have to live on this world, 

In the forest; making the thin twine of cotton is a never ending reel of thread. The whole concept and demand just never stops. Really have started something and let's hope it is something that can eventually finish. Or atleast allow some breathing space. 

In the stones; to have two minds better than one both must agree, what use is working together but go separate ways, love will take more convincing to part from their usual mindset to agree on something better.

Malachi Ch.4:V.3 " - And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts." 

Wednesday 14 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th August 2024)

Are only becoming what the poison had intended. To obey a serpent has only repurcussions from its venom to spread. 

Not just having a hand on a part of the property. It is having a slice of cake, if that building resembles one, and actually eating it. 

Handling it is not making a play for yet another. It ignores the initial matter and just fobs it off to someone or something else. 

Might find they're not going anywhere. Staying put and it is actually those who trespass they have need to fend off. 

Well it's definitely not a magic wand. However, it does hold some power in it's useful abilities. Then again, that's down to who teaches them. How others react to the knowledge for it's credibility. 

In the forest; a picture tells a thousand words. From that image does it tell what to truly know them for. Of those thousand words does it say what to already know. Think we can tell when something has been falsified. Especially when to know them much better than a thousand words can say. 

In the stones; be sure whom to be following in their footsteps as they may lead towards an edge, that's the risk taken in love as while they appear to fall over heels are oneself falling off somewhere, love real love had been a guiding light all along and will outshine when feelings turn dark.

Daniel Ch.7:V.10 " - A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened." 

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (13th August 2024)

Just going to keep admiring it or will finally open up and share. Whether to refill what gets used, it has to eventually pop that cork. 

That's just a sample and even that they're wary for who touches it. Better reassure them are certain for sure it's what is preferred to have. 

A bridge too far creates too much doubt. Unstable and insecure doubts that the point of meeting in the middle can collapse. 

Things are so hot it can be a furnace melting matters down. The only understanding is the molten image once it's cooled down. 

As if a list as long as the arm was not bad enough. Their calculations using an oversized abacus really is over the top. Look who ends up crying over others and expects a hero to come save the day. 

In the forest; keep chipping away at the sides soon will discover that single thing to be interested in. Unlike most who take them for everything they are. Prefer to strip them down to the basics. The real depth of what seems just modernised. Find out what it is that really makes them tick. And it'll come as no surprise neither. 

In the stones; well let's hope they are there to catch you and not let this leap towards them an awkward embarrassment, typical there is a sting in the tail if all does not go according to plan, love will be swinging from the chandeliers once they realise where the real feelings are at.

Isaiah Ch.13:V.6 " - Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty." 

Monday 12 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th August 2024)

Carriage awaits, although nothing was said about putting any horses to the carriage. Sure are planning on going anywhere. 

Spent enough time as it is being cocooned inside. Now it's time to fly like a butterfly. And everyone adores seeing butterflies. 

Different place for a different story. Right time for one, just not the same as the last. One day, the right time will find the right place. 

Just normal life for them, for some who rely on the hustle and bustle of city life. That normal life may seem out of the ordinary, yet just kept to the old fashion ways for doing things. 

Certainly is a Hello Sailor, that quick one will just be another day another port for them. Might want to grab them quick while their feet are dry. Don't go thinking of monstrous sea beasts when they mention the other tales of their life. They're actually married and mean their old dragon back home. 

In the forest; if that's putting their money where their mouth is. Then let food be their source of income. Be surprised just how well they will do. If there is anything to know about good food then they know it all. And to a man's heart is through his stomach. 

In the stones; symbolic the love heart shape how it resembles two steps then a drop and starting over again, however some are complete failures that it'll be ruins to start over on, love truly thankfully is more of what makes anyone happy and feel good about themselves.

Judges Ch.2:V.15 " - Whithersoever they went out, the hand of the LORD was against them for evil, as the LORD had said, and as the LORD had sworn unto them: and they were greatly distressed." 

Sunday 11 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (11th August 2024)

Taking the mind to a far beyond reachable place. Too much information for the brain can handle. Bring that understanding in the time that is shared from the ground. 

Once to discover the secret to the glowing lotus flower. Then the magic will reveal why they are very rare. Not everything wanted can be granted. 

Obviously not at all interested in what makes them tick. Just keen to see how much they can take. 

Clearly have no idea about their background or what they have to offer. Asking them the impossible so of course they are irate. 

Making matters twice as hard to get those wheels in motion. It now comes down to whether to push or pull. Whatever to decide, be sure every other else is on board. Or may find are chasing ones own tail. 

In the forest; not everything is as a raindrop upon a petal. A small replenishing parch that is required by a vast size for quantity. Not only will it suck that raindrop dry it never quenches enough. Instead of feeling demanded make the most for all can give. 

In the stones; they're going to be running around in that head all day if not to own the moment, if all is not too late they might just oblige as feelings are mutual yet doubted, love is an endless battle if not to accept whom conquers their heart.

Daniel Ch.1:V.14 " - So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days." 

Saturday 10 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th August 2024)

It's a question of where is the mind at. What has the mind focused on that it's all can think about. 

Maybe have over did it by a little bit. All these plates and vases with nowhere to put them all. Sure pottery is what has ones potential? 

Anyone had thought they had a good nose for all this. Even if to actually pin point the spot and they still can't get it right. 

Think this little birdy believes they got one over them. Holding it against them for having the information to share. Someone needs to tell the little birdy that not to shoot the messenger is never set in stone. 

Well if they hadn't got their claws into it, nor made themselves be in the way. Then things may have had been an ongoing pleasure. Let's put it in an other light, it's impossible now not to invite them. As they are the one who encourages it to the max. 

In the forest; must feel like are at the centre of the universe right now. No matter how much the world gets shaken up. All is calm and set hard on the ground. Enjoy watching the world all around collapse. Just as long as everything close is as an unhatched egg. Not even the breaking ground can crack it. 

In the stones; and this is why should take things slowly so any leap has no boundaries, if it all goes smoothly it won't even feel like are making a leap just a continuous motion, love is bound to the ends of the earth and have no means of a final destination.

Jeremiah Ch.29:V.11 " - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." 

Friday 9 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th August 2024)

Clearly had not thought of the long run. All very well having a kingdom created for a selective few. Once the key to that city is overrun, not so much selective then. 

Doubt even having skates on will get them moving any faster. There's just no motivation to push them in a direction. 

The question is, where to be getting this best of the crop from. There'd be no surprise if made a deal with the devil for how good it is. 

It's the last piece to the puzzle, the shiniest part of it all. The final added piece to a much bigger picture. Of course it holds all the favourite interests. 

Obviously thought were far more in power than actually are. Like watching one king be confronted by another king. Just remember whose land to be on. Only a weak king will betray his own people and let an other take over. 

In the forest; it's never the outcome that amazes yet the know how that made it achievable. The finer details that astounds someone's intelligence. For such a big results from little methods. And commonly known too. Who'd thought the invention of the wheel could spread so globally. 

In the stones; sometimes the thought that counts can be over thought and not realising the actual gift to be giving, clearly it was only ever intended as a thought rather than actual doing, love means it when they make a promise and really no need for any doubt.

Psalms Ch.73:V.18 " - Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruction." 

Thursday 8 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (8th August 2024)

There's no ruffled feathers, why would there be when to show those feathers off. It's why they love the visits, making the time to really shine. 

Some patience would not hurt yet are too eager to start by what is being promised. However, that road to go down is not quite been laid yet. 

That washboard stomach clearly is for other ideas. Than it being a symbol of strength and might. Only to use it to attract and have an advantage. 

Now the floodgates are open there's no point in using filter. Not going to be able to conceal this forceful surge. 

So who's going to cave in first, both stubborn as eachother. Neither willing to make the first move and be the one to start talking. Sticking to the cliché of waiting till they do. Both know each has what the other wants which is for the same thing. If ever a need to bash two heads together. 

In the forest; selfish of young folk to believe in an age for certain appropriate things. In this life where we all live, breathe, and survive. It is for everyone to exist upon the ground to walk on. However, there are those who believe at a certain age should be put out of sight, shut away from the eyes of society. Kept out of the social world that young generations believe is theirs. 

In the stones; what isn't understood are those ropes to climb where needing to come back down as well, in other words now the hardwork is done can enjoy the rewards and share those earned benefits, love works towards shaping a heart and then it is shared between those who combine their dedication and admiration for eachother.

Proverbs Ch.9:V.18 " - But he knoweth not that the dead are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell." 

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (7th August 2024)

As much to idolise the existence of such a spiritual presence. Ask oneself, to follow in their wisdom and visions, then why is their past fallen to ruins. 

Not all things become as expected. The whole excitement really is the build up. Once in all it's glory that excitement gradually fades. 

The whole idea is so can travel via to get from A to B. Of course it's a known route, as so are all routes that allow to journey across. Yet, are doubting that way through for the sake of being seen. Might want to get over yourself. 

It's perfectly obvious are about to make a right tit of oneself. So own it, use it, take it to an advantage, and be an even bigger tit. 

There is at some point where opposites will meet at a point in the middle and are side-by-side. Although still looking in opposite directions, they do share a moment of passing. If were just anyone, that short yet affective moment, will do what all others do. Make the most of it. 

In the forest; those tracks are not made by just a single journey. They are grounded in from the regular to and fro trips made. All taking the same route there and back. Like lines marked to know the best possible direction. Not just talking about a random whim of a choice. This way forward has been sought after time and time again. 

In the stones; if to believe what to be seeing then yes it's too late, however the heart says otherwise and this is where the heart rules the head, love and war is all fair and that only not to be thinking for whom really suffers in the middle of it all.

Acts Ch.15:V.18 " - Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world." 

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (6th August 2024)

A river will always naturally flow south. It's the man made methods that bends the laws in nature. There is no natural flow if the river has been made no longer to run wide. 

There doesn't even have to be a language to see a barrier between the two. Just hand gestures can be argued over what it means. 

Need to understand the signs to give off if to follow in their direction. No point being guided into a blind alley. 

For someone who has had their head buried in the sand. Now wishes to stand for all things deep where the tide comes in. 

Life hasn't got fast in pace, just become slower and with the means to go even faster. In an other way to put it, had built a wall around while standing in the middle. Now not knowing how to get out of this trapped in own-self-doing. 

In the forest; there's two ways about it, under or over is the only options. Under is entering a tunnel hoping for a light at the other end. Over is building bridges, while avoiding that long dark tunnel, to meet somewhere in the middle. With a bridge there's no guarantees it'll be met both ways. Or that it'll get burnt afterwards. Sometimes, it's the hard way that betters the two choices. 

In the stones; if there ever was a silver lining then here it is, now to see through the rain can wallow in that glimmer of light, love may have their head in the clouds least not forget they still have wet feet.

Proverbs Ch.17:V.11 " - An evil man seeketh only rebellion: therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him." 

Monday 5 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th August 2024)

Seeing the difference between two sides of the track. And as usual it's always greener on the other side. 

Would suggest to crawl back in the hole to have come from. However, even that has grown to be a luxury. 

Don't gain a reputation without taking that reputation out on the streets to the people. Want people to notice then make them notice. 

If to work with what to have then can make it work. No point smashing into it head on, when the world is round go around. 

Trying to play a fine tune with using fiddlesticks. Surely can see how to be getting this all wrong. Confronting the troll at the bridge and every other knows how to deal with it except oneself. 

In the forest; too late for them, are already brainwashed in believing in the unfortunate. Now they're convinced can pass through that gap sideways. When that gap was not made wide to pass through other than on foot. If they think can fit that monstrosity then sobeit. 

In the stones; need to look more closer to home before retaliation takes a wrong turn, what fills the mind with dread are focusing where they are not, love will be tested for when sacrifices will be needed to hit the right spot.

Proverbs Ch.16:V.30 " - He shutteth his eyes to devise froward things: moving his lips he bringeth evil to pass." 

Sunday 4 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (4th August 2024)

There needs to be questions answered, on the amount of how many are recently all entering this same dark tunnel. It's become something of a cliché. 

That just proves really do not know the arse from the elbow. In mind believe that head can reach only what body to think to have? 

Yes. It's a rabbit hole to go chasing down. Think what will the rabbit do where that hole reaches a dead end. It'll dig through for another hole. 

Oh it's definitely the cherry on the top. They even make it very obvious of it too. 

Knew they were born with no fear, when that jack-in-the-box was adored by them as a babe. So it should come as no surprise when to discover their living on an edge lifestyle and other stimulating adulthoods.

In the forest; what looks like a brick wall is actually a point for negotiating. The way forward is not blocked just an obstacle until to agree. It's life telling to pause and consider the way forward. Before that barrier comes down to let the way forward commence. Be sure this road to be on is definite and wanted. 

In the stones; if to lure them off the edge of a cliff don't be surprised when they change their mind before it's too late, yet so many promises of catching them if they fall and still it lures them off the cliff, love is something of a telepathic phenomena where knowing if that inevitable commitment will occur so there's no fooling the heart.

2 Kings Ch.19:V.27 " - But I know thy abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in, and thy rage against me." 

Saturday 3 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd August 2024)

They definitely have that mouth open but nothing seems to be coming out of it. Bark worse than it's bite. 

How would anyone feel being placed in a corner where hardly no one notices their presence. And were made to shine for all their beauty. 

Everything with nature begins beautiful, how it grows, nurtured by natural resources, attracts with vibrant colours and scents. And then, it shows it's true form. The beast rears it's ugly head. 

Clearly mistaken their attire for the wrong occasion. This is no celebrating party hat they wear. Better start taking them a bit more serious. 

Might be surprised who is now being their brave little soldier. All this WILL be on the records. While some take the easy route, guess who's fighting their way through the others. 

In the forest; sometimes a little distraction can help take the mind off the actual problem. Not to go forgetting, but to take off some of the constant worrying and thinking about nothing else. Doesn't have to be anything too exciting, atleast enough to have the mind focus elsewhere while the root of the matter is resolved. 

In the stones; might want to mind that head for how high to be dreaming, not everyone is suited to fit in with certain ideas so keep it simple, love is a shared emotion of entrusting eachother not expectations of an impossible demand.

St. John Ch.11:V.10 " - But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him."

Friday 2 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd August 2024)

Desperate measures for persuading in getting what is wanted. That's the thing for having dreams, wanting to be a ballerina but parents push for horse riding. 

The wonder of how something so delicate managed to survive in a location as that. Which is basically it, a delicate flower growing in the peaks of a rough mountain. Survives because no curious hands have laid their fingers on it. 

Not all grips are known by their own strength. That is where understanding what is to be made a grasp for. Realising how they'll react to certain touches. Just don't be a bull in a china shop. 

Don't think it's understood when marking out the perfect alignment. Unless all the planets and stars are in line with their heartbeat, they won't be budging from that place. 

Let it introduce themselves, once they appear their godly presence will amaze far more than a piece of tech. Now that they are larger than life, others can begin to fuss over them. 

In the forest; there are different levels of shelter. Like taking shelter from a storm will seek a roof of some sort. What if the shelter needed is from the ground. So seek for somewhere high up. First understand the reason of needing shelter. Then seek for the appropriate means. What use is a shelter if the storm still makes to suffer. 

In the stones; allowing certain things get too exciting and it can cause overreacting, it basically for that classic learn to walk before to run so as why leap when can jump, love takes steps but also is required is getting bearings on that recent move before considering making another step.

Ezekiel Ch.38:V.10 " - Thus saith the Lord GOD; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:" 

Thursday 1 August 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (1st August 2024)

It's a library filled with information, although so many books on the same subject. The only reality is if to get out there and put that information into action. 

Finding love will always be everyone's goal in life. The choices to make are required for the future generations. How to create outcomes will impact those to be born from. 

Taking matters a little extreme if to believe to go to great lengths and heights to succeed in this life. It's not like are trying to find a way home, as are already home. 

Look closer, much closer, and meaning at oneself than anyone or thing around. The answer is already there in the palm of the hand. Just didn't realise. 

A soft touch with delicate hands will do the job. Just need a bit of patients and allow them to get to it. They might look rough and forceful, and to others can do more harm than good. If to trust oneself then might find they're big a softy really. 

In the forest; can be up there in the clouds for anyone cares. Those mountains will still always be higher than thou to seek. To conquer is no simple task nor a quick route to get to. Be upon a cloud for all to be amazed by. That mountain won't be going anywhere, no wind to move in a direction, and never to hover over anyone's mind. 

In the stones; a path would not have been laid if it was impossible however there seems to be some complaints for needing to go uphill, no one said it'll be easy they just didn't say it's impossible so what's it to be a triumph or join the rest of gathered difficult individuals, love can see the signs and are picking up on them but the choice is if to go in the direction these signs indicate.

Psalms Ch.31:V.24 " - Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD."