Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th July 2022)

Although a wizard whom throws spells to cast at anyone. His wand can still be threatening as a sword, not knowing which direction it will aim for. 

There's a long journey planned from the point of where that caffeine hit begins. The start of the road cannot begin from any other point. 

It's a fashionable trend this thing we call in life 'old age'. There's a certain cliché that goes with it that everyone not only recognises but also endures the same. Enjoy it. 

As cool as a frog upon a lily pad when it comes to being patient to be kissed. Remember it is they who shall be rewarded with the transformation. 

If, can be caring and gentle with intentions of being thoughtful in kindness. Then, perhaps, they won't feel so much as having a screw loose. And that wanting attraction will appear from those interests. While trying to explain, allow others to consider the misunderstanding of encouraging the wrong use of resources why the slight sense of a screw loose. 

In the forest; even a ferocious dragon can come over soppy and drunken stupor. While it is considered as a pet to guard the outside walls. It only takes a large urn full of wine to make it drowsy and unaware. All in all, it is to celebrate an occasion, so even a pet dragon gets in on the party mood. 

In the stones; do not let everyone know are following that heart or they may see what's vulnerable where they follow their head, if to play it cool then when those decide to follow their heart there won't be much competition, love do not need to come as a surprise nor be refereed for who's the best candidate.

Joshua Ch.6:V.20 " - So the people shouted when the priests blew with the trumpets: and it came to pass, when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat, so that the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city."

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