Thursday 23 June 2022

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd June 2022)

Thinking are in the spotlight, however that light is not even on. They're too busy deciding which colour to make the perfect spotlight, let alone catch anyone in it. 

The main point about beggers can't be choosers is not to let an opportunity pass by. Otherwise, what are to be waiting for. 

Time can be as minute as a grain of sand. The whole moment is down to how many grains of sand to give. 

This relationship is shaking the tree already, so be sure to have it at the right moment. Last thing to want is to shake the blossom out of the branches before to make any commitment for sure. 

Making promises on a particular date, the least they will want is to pull out on it. Being romantic was never anyone's forte especially when others are not spontaneous. 

In the forest; it's not hard painting a pretty picture. It's just difficult trying to understand what lurks deep beneath the surface. While being presently upon ground, the depths can go much further. Deep waters below sea level depths of intensity. Where things can go deep underground and shake the earth to be standing on looking pretty. 

In the stones; if desires only remained within dreams then where can go looking for them as it's never easy, even if they are to be seen and can find like minded individuals there is this guard to be putting up, love don't expect huge leaps to make but least consider the unbalanced step to be on at the moment.

Isaiah Ch.23:V.22 " - And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open." 

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