Given the opportunity to think, do. Use that moment to really ask oneself, are the interests mutual or just seen as to pry than keen.
As soon as to peel away the surface there's no going back. Once to see the bare naked truth, they remain that way whether to dig deeper or not.
It's the not getting their desires that makes them vulnerable. They don't need to be told it's OK to, they just need to know they have it in their hands.
Of course, it is within the eyes that reveals the truth. While to sense their presence it's not until to see their face will know for sure.
Dealing with someone who can't see beyond their nose. So do excuse their snappy behaviour, as will have to work around them to get their attention before they bite. Got a tall order to convince others that they mean nothing by it, especially after they been bitten once twice shy.
In the forest; while each place has its own. Individual ways to interest certain lifestyles and backgrounds. However, as far apart as they each may be. They can all join together like a drum beat to synchronise and dance to. Something within shares similar ideas in whichever way to go about life.
St. Luke Ch.13:V.23-24 " - Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them,
- Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able."
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