Tuesday 9 March 2021

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th March 2021)

Directions only change by where to stand alters it's angle. Then the way to wish for has to be directed accordingly.

The answers to everything are already in the grasp of the hands. Just needing to acknowledge where to ask the question.

Being shy is not hiding away from anyone, it is wanting to not see for anyone. A face overshadowed is still a face that can be seen.

Perhaps after all these years, the knowledge to gain and behold, is to pass on that knowledge so the purpose is revealed for knowing.

Having time to burn will be spared if to make use of it. As it is the time away from that moment to be shun upon for results. Since to have kept them waiting, others come by the dozen to expect some thing.

In the forest; when to go looking for something will discover it. Only for their eyes alone, like a curtain waiting to be drawn, not even the wind can bring forth it's appearance. To seek is to find by understanding what to go searching for.

In the stones; where life has its ups and downs the reflection to have do not light in every part that once walked, lighting up that path while to walk upon it will then bend light to one's own advantage, love expresses their feelings within the spotlight so can walk in the shadows unseen.

Proverbs Ch.23:V.13-14 " - Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
 - Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

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