Saturday 23 January 2021

Psychic Philosophy for Today (23rd January 2021)

Perhaps the thing to be looking for is still yet to be produced. Being some thing but not sure what it is until to find it.

Each chapter to the book is like a member of family who have a family of their own. So whose story is it that is being told.

So much has happened yet just a small part to play. Even a turn of a new leaf and collective still on a large scale.

Religious icons only guide towards what is seeked. The true idol is finding what draws interest.

Their perfection is being trained and commanded in getting it perfectly right. Others do not even notice the perfected outcome. Ignorant to all their hard work, as taken for granted.

In the forest; at first it is by the damage caused to seem deliberate. The middle of things bitten off to chew and left with the teeth marks. These gaps created can be smoothed off, like corners cut that become rounded. In spite of the reaction, have made matters clearer for the task ahead.

In the stones; while the compatibility seems Yin and Yang what was distant and dark for one is bright and near for the other, however what ideally will be a bright theory is darkened by the opposite, love convinces the darkness being just the distance till to reach there like a step to take and then make them see.

St. Matthew Ch.11:V.9 " - But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet."

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