Wednesday 16 September 2020

Psychic Philosophy for Today (16th September 2020)

Their greetings are colourful and welcoming, however their more deeper emotions in relationships have a more pure white outlook.

Until that picture to paint is complete there is no such thing as not enough paint. It's a matter of when to decide how to portray that image.

It's not the footprints they tend to leave behind but the reaction on people's faces. The look upon them that oppose reveal more markings than where to tread.

To come so far and establish by many beknown to all the years, it is the life that carries on and to be educated in. The life itself is short for how long it truly lived.

Educating the minds of the young have two sides to be taught from, the gentle natured of the mother and the courageous wild side of the father. Combined together within a single mind they have their own ways to then teach others.

In the forest; battles of long ago that becomes a wasteland and desolate. Those whom dwelled to face the traumas that arrived, neither had resided to carry on upon such battleground. All lost to the dust of the ground and covered over by the layers of time. Deeply within still has some piece to hold the past to who once existed in that location.

In the stones; spreading those wings are good for going the distance yet useless for brief journeys upon the path, however when to find an edge to be will save from falling into deep waters and continue by means of a brief journey, love is educated in such romance and if to make that journey will fulfill the passion desired to burn.

2 Thessalonians Ch.3:V.1 " - Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:" 

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