Thursday, 9 July 2020

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th July 2020)

If to believe that harvesting the field is something for all, then are not seeing the entire field to harvest. Are only seeing a small part of land that is influencing matters.

To divide work, rest, and play into separate categories, will realise that the play is something more important than work. In fact, will spend less time working for how their playtime has them restless.

Given wings to fly is not necessarily a good thing, as all things that fly seek for somewhere to perch. The wings just carry onto wherever to wish to be, and that can go on for as long as the skies reach.

Things that go way above the minds reach is for those things that pass by quickly. The real abiding moments are those who understand for eachothers thoughts.

Releasing the catch and allowing them in is just the cherry on the top. The discussions to be involved in is what becomes fulfilling for others.

In the forest; there is an imbalance of equality for knowledge within the land. While religiously to see the given guidance as something faithful and true. For some, they believe there is a greater sense of knowledge for power. And that to be guided by a religious idol is beneath that greater gain. As the spire on the religious building seems to represent the equivalent to a dunces hat. Comparing with their own form of teaching they consider as higher than thou.

In the stones; it takes a big push to get them moving but it takes temptation to lure them on, can't always carry them to their destiny as when to leave them to it become confused so make them feel reassured, love is comforting and encouraging as a warm flame that grows more passionate with each advancement.

Deuteronomy Ch.17:V.10 " - And thou shalt do according to the sentence, which they of that place which the LORD shall choose shall shew thee; and thou shalt observe to do according to all that they inform thee:"

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