Sunday 28 June 2020

Psychic Philosophy for Today (28th June 2020)

Ancient times hold past secrets for how they evolved and what purposes they possessed to develop. Tools of the trade that created such details and still used today.

While some have deep meaningful questions for how they are to adapt in life. The answers only lead to doubt and envy for seeing of something that is ideally told can't have.

Putting their name on it yet these things given a title only fade over time. The logic for such a thing will remain to be of use continually.

Seeing from a high above point of view will be of a lost feeling for finding themselves within a maze. Than being upon the ground to know which direction in need of going in.

Being prepared for that storm is not the way of dealing with things in a calm manner. While to be throwing those punches beforehand allows others know how more fierce they can be.

In the forest; the entire city is established around them, or why else have a focal symbolic image of them. Moulded of their features like an ornamental statue. And all else that is built up has been developed with them in mind. That whosoever now live within such a place will worship this molten piece of art like a god.

In the stones; being set in stone with each step if to make a step down each one does with a thud, carrying that stone upon the shoulders like a heavy burden makes each moment pressured to carry on, love has higher hopes for the future and intend to make both achieve all the same.

St. Matthew Ch.16:V.25 " - For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it."

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