Sunday, 12 April 2020

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th April 2020)

Getting those skates on is a far more different equation than being on the ball. Depending on the sport, some balls need encouraging than just letting it roll like wheels on a skate.

If to go following for whom made promises then take into account for how they managed to consume those promises. Not all things in life expected of comes by that easily, even they who promise may had to make sacrfices to achieve.

To pull the wool over their eyes like a wolf disguised as a sheep, ask oneself, 'do really know what a sheep is, if a wolf can disguise itself as one?'.

Things seem far where others cannot follow, like a boat sailing on water, cannot tread water if to come to end of lands. 

It's not always the appearance and presenting of oneself but their preparations they have for when it rains. Like taking that next step towards others, cannot be an open box unless to open it.

In the forest; it's a simple song to play to and such a big impact upon a small town, too. If it was their music that help build that place, then is it also the money to give for the music that had. Their tuneful words may entice a different meaning and purpose. Than the cost on living and to survive, that business and pleasure do not mix theory. 

In the stones; luck is not something to go looking for or be directed to yet something that happens eventfully, like flames of passion that engulf and warm to where some do not balance out well, love is the same as while can walk a path filled with love sometimes to seek much further.

Deuteronomy Ch.18:V.18 " - I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." 

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