Sunday, 22 December 2019

Psychic Philosophy for Today (22nd December 2019)

Not until to hit the right note will they feel the need to celebrate. Giving a certain point that will be worth the joy to share.

Soon as to enter that luring entrance will the curious mind open up and discover what to be looking for. Walking into a world to be your oyster.

Being that light for others to be guided by, when to step into the light of day oneself is where they may see for greed. What to shine upon for others is also that need for a personal self.

All needing to know is, it will be male for that special appearance to have an importance by name. Till then all will be revealed.

Like a touch of magic has mysteriously cleared the way and what had been the cause has changed their habits. Whom is that cause will also assist in bringing together by that other.

In the forest; temptations do not come by as frequently as to wish. Like a passing phrase of a moment to grasp and decide there and then or to continue on by. The real tease is not knowing what to be taking on but know what can leave behind. That's the thing with temptations for not knowing whether for the better or not. Just a moment to escape from the norm.

In the stones; there are two ways about it by either listening to that voice that speaks highly above or try conquer that mountain, since are already walking along that path overruled and mountains to climb cannot have corners to cut, love will guide the way to take either direction as a single choice of owns mind.

Joel Ch.1:V.15 " - Alas for the day! for the day of the LORD is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come." 

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