Friday 20 September 2019

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th September 2019)

No one notices the shoes to be wearing but they do notice the person who steps into them. If to go stepping into someone else's shoes be aware it is your own doing.

It's not the water that will get anyone into deep trouble, the land is what will be at fault. As water can come with the tide and go again when ships sail in.

If there was a line to cross then a hand held out to grab that line will determine when it's crossed. Some things are welcomed to step over that mark just to prove otherwise.

A meal fit for a king but even they won't touch it with a barge pole. Some tastes to tantalise appetites are not always agreed on.

Now at an age where to go out and see the world, however fit to do so. It's words left behind and new born that are only concerned for. While others are being almost dragged down they still listen to that heart that beats a rhythm only for them.

In the forest; as distance from home disappears from sight the work seems long. Further away the more the work seems to take it's toll. It is not home that is focused towards but completing the work in hand. And even then, home is a long way to get back to. Life may seem like work, rest, and play, yet there is a wide gap between each.

In the stones; the idea of bridges is to cross a gap between reaching the other side however some do not meet in the middle, coming from a clouded vision they obviously see reaching that side as clearing the way, love comes down from that cloud hoping to find what it is to be looking for.

Leviticus Ch.25:V.45 " - Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession."

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