Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Psychic Philosophy for Today (19th June 2019)

Not all come by freely with gifts, some need to be earned however dirty the work needs to be.

That's just the thing about a rose between two thorns, the thorns always point and aim upwards, as having to rise above before reaching their beauty.

Seeing from a depth has no purpose or cause for what similarity to have in a boat. From a deep perspective it is just a drifting on by shadow.

Going in deep takes a mutually shared gradual pace, to both experience the outcome and realise just how far needing to go.

Crossing a bridge to a gap is not whether can take the weight but for how far to fall if lost balance. Why some hold back and allow for those to go ahead first. It's putting trust in others who reach the other side that it is safe to go ahead for oneself.

In the forest; joyful comforts that bring enlightenment in their life. Need to plan how and where they shall pursue those enjoyments. As a satisfied mind is where they will take comfort in. What may seem pleasant can actually keep them chained down.

In the stones; it doesn't take all night to realise the light needing to find as by the moon can see clear than till day, to be above the surface will need dry land or forever hover over deep waters, love can be that place to keep chin above water but more satisfying if to keep feet dry.

Daniel Ch.6:V.17 " - And a stone was brought, and laid upon the mouth of the den; and the king sealed it with his own signet, and with the signet of his lords; that the purpose might not be changed concerning Daniel."

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