Monday, 27 May 2019

Psychic Philosophy for Today (27th May 2019)

Can't escape the light of day as every crack that shows will beam light through. Least are warned before opening up to the world.

Some try to avoid anything colourful as it tends to fill the atmosphere with a different image than they truly are. Ie. Find the right colour.

When to already have everything there seems to be for that something that someone knows will be wanting.

Not always for being thick as two planks, just being cautious and checking things by the double.

Having a reputation for the interests to be in is what everyone may be use to. It's when to let those interests drop that some question themselves. Looking past all the baggage, did others really know them other than for their guilty pleasures.

In the forest; as largely as it might be, the blame is always where the bombshell is dropped. And never where the bombshell is fired from. Maybe this is down to not shooting the messenger. As all things that come in with blazing guns requires a messenger.

In the stones; the more distant and wider the outlook the more choices there are to decide upon, even if were nearer for time are still the same choices just more pressured but something has to be decided eventually, love tends to wait till that decision is needed than be distracted by ideas that are only thoughts along the way.

Exodus Ch.3:V.18 " - And they shall hearken to thy voice: and thou shalt come, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Egypt, and ye shall say unto him, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath met with us: and now let us go, we beseech thee, three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God."

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