Saturday 10 February 2018

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th February 2018)

Proudly to talk about those unusual habits of guilty pleasures, yet needing to find the right zone to be in to level the mind. Trying to hide in another place is only making matters confusing where to stay put and find a mutual understanding.

Either the finer details overtake the picture trying to paint or keep the unfinished image as it is but there is a catch.

It's those things to adore someone for that becomes enlightened for those strings to pluck when Cupid needs to make a chord with. Keeping up with what is better known by.

Seeing those stepping stones to take can have a screen before them, some like a water reflection to pass through and some a mirror to already know what can crack the glass.

Careful by what they mean for equal balanced scales, as it can be pain they entice to make suffer for fairness. While others may place obstacles to indicate towards their romantic gestures they intended.

In the forest; perhaps the visions are not heavens above after all, seeing for things to appear upon clouds. Yet, are just evolving towards where peaks reach higher that those stand upon. And what seems to dominate the stars that drift past, is just the mind coming into focus. To see the further lands that these overruling idols dwell amongst a place that also will be for what looks up towards broad horizons, too. Like plains to step up on across a moment to abide like a rotating path to walk.

In the stones; their way of taking things slowly is having those pleasures stall the pace that everyone believes to gradually step in, while to gently advance as to reassure are doing it right according to others it is just a drawbridge to open up to everyone for that kingdom, love is finding the end of a rainbow for what is wanted by the both and can be as cutting the rope to that drawbridge forever.

Revelation Ch.1:V.6 " - And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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