Sunday 19 March 2017

Psychic Philosophy for Today (19th March 2017)

Sometimes there are those who already know what someone is looking for, as if they have their hands ready to produce before them without asking to.

Pencilling in for those fine details can be magnifying for the cause. As delicate lines so precise and minute it will need a very close look.

All this time consuming to prepare a presentable appearance, anyone would think the natural untouched method is unwanted.

It's all in the decoration, made up to look more expensive than it is. When the real value is the one who wears it and leaves that worn scent behind.

Only the true maker can stand the heat while everyone hangs by the right time to. Some hands of time only tick by for others who they feel were made for. While the days are counted for that calculated expectation.

In the forest; not all scratching comes from above surface, sometimes it emerges below. Trying to make it was through for what was buried long ago. The claws above digging in are just encouraging to make happen for what wishes to be. In mind, flames can be dancing images that play out across plains. Visions distantly upon horizons, that push dreams deeper down to where that surface wants to break free.

In the stones; a heart is in the centre of attention but it takes a background view to see the larger vision, hidden in a crowd pushes someone together making sight discouraged to see, love will stand out amongst a crowd and encourage them to be with the rightful one.

St. Luke Ch.5:V.12 " - And all the devils besought him, saying, Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them."

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