Monday 2 January 2017

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd January 2017)

Such work of art, fine detail upon delicate surface, even the watermark is of tears. It's what keeps them from having a screw loose by the passion they bring.

Not many gain to the steps to take, as the guided light of many wishes from before indicate. Tread carefully if to be courageous enough than others, as are treading upon incomplete dreams.

Although to follow ones nose it is when an open door of the mind leads the way for such habits. This is when those scratch the surface for such guilty pleasures.

Once to come up smelling of roses there's no changing their desirable mind. The only slight indicating point is for those thorns in the side.

They obviously have their hands where they want them, while distractions are a mind above. It is others who have a mind above that wishes of where those hands to be.

In the forest; unsettled dust that reigns above is of that from afar. The alterations made upon someones soul. Our Fairy Princess has been turned to wood. As messenger who is attired for such guarded secrets to bring. Poisoned by the bite of a serpent, sending her spiritual sense into a solid mass. The one whom this unsettled dust that reigns upon can only reverse this curse.

In the stones; although a short leash but still can jump high since it is the direction to go in, some will cut that leash free while up there just to see how matters balance out, love will be that connecting link again and a bit extra length making matters just about even.

Judges Ch.2:V.3 " - Wherefore I also said, I will not drive them out from before you; but they shall be as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare unto you."

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