Friday, 5 August 2016

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th August 2016)

Aren't you the puss in boots, everything to own all wrapped up in a napkin and tied to a stick. Not the only one, so when to pick up travels again upon resting, try not to confuse yourself with someone else's belongings. Or will be on the right path but for the wrong reasons.

The way to slow a fast paced man down is the path he is on, unless of course he is riding that path like on water where to have encouragement behind him.

Someone is dusting off the old cobwebs for what becomes rewarding, that is, if where the rewards are spent still exists after all this time.

Things were already cool before to consider a close shave. Although this is thinking through the mind of a woman. Do they know what a 'close shave' means for a man, the downfall to entail by his appearances?

Time is by the visions of the eye, as to cut through a piece of the moment. Words spoken are speeches of imaginations, that others can only dream of. It is others' dreams through words they hold on to, and interpret in to their own imaginative thoughts.

In the forest; however fast to be there, they already have the message. Which leaves some time to spare, whatever was to become created of this visit, is given extra time to contemplate. Enjoy those special moments, relaxing and catching up over coffee. To be open minded and free, while they deal with it. Until of course, to catch up with those again who can't stop following where the party is at. Talk about making a catch by all that fish in the sea, when everyone are still waiting to catch some thing.

In the stones; each thought at the back of the mind upon dispersing becomes added to a much bigger cloud and you wonder why anyone runs from that storm, for directions to be given must be standing at a particular stable spot although they seem to be pointing in the same direction as those who run, love is not so easily fled as they are prepared to walk straight into that stormy cloud brewing which gives the right message for those to no longer run.

St. John Ch.1:V.2-4 " - The same was in the beginning with God.
- All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
- In him was life; and the life was the light of men."

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