Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Psychic Philosophy for Today (6th April 2016)

Double doors with each ajar to decide upon yet one holds a darker sense to open further than the other.

Knowledge even from the wise is still being questioned, within educating minds to find any further answers.

Been through with a fine tooth comb so to have no reason to look back upon, as every thought to go back to puts pressure on moving forward.

There are those who can not help themselves with the urge to speak out for others, that messenger eager to agree in minds.

Their mind sparkles as the diamond they are, yet are tormented by such dark misery. It takes the old witches brew to keep them focused, on pleasant moments although knowing the truth. Others would dress them up innocently, to bring them down a peg or two.

In the forest; some mountains are distractions, an attempt to lure in passing of the true gathering. As those whom congregate below and presently endure each other's company. Seeing for this once intact piece of rock to climb, now for something split down the middle. Making it only a gap to bridge across, if one for still wanting to conquer it's heights. Otherwise, are for those who contemplate the structure now created, as an arch to pass asunder.

In the stones; given time till their mind is eclipsed and horizons turn cold, matters must become heavy to keep thoughts moving before to reach that peak, love being a 3 dimensional mind to see at different angles knowing passion will prevail any cold feeling.

Ezekiel Ch.43:V.8 " - In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their post by my posts, and the wall between me and them, they have even defiled my holy name by their abominations that they have committed: wherefore I have consumed them in mine anger."

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