Sunday 20 September 2015

Psychic Philosophy for Today (20th September 2015)

Those thoughts can't be tied down for too long then, for being such a loose knot as it entangles so does the mind wander. Will only be chasing after your own horns that some one has made a grab for, they just kept you held back to think too long.

It's not the flow of direction that everyone wishes to go in for the causes, it's what gets in the way of that path. Already thought this one out for anything that comes following up behind, unless of course are on the same journey.

Making sure they are reading the right signs to put out there, that's if any one wishes to pick up on them. Wanting to be heard will only end up shouting louder, and for the purpose of the place to be in, trust me you can't shout any louder than that.

The dinner date is nothing really, as everyone has to eat is how you see it. It's when to bring out those baring gifts feel surely something has to stick. As it is not the sentimental value, it is that worth for not everyday you come out with some thing special to you.

Jumping back up on that saddle, fair enough, only need to get to some where first before really to pull on those reins. And since everyone is already there, have a lot of catching up to do. It is others who are as a bowl of fruit salad, not knowing whether to be sweet or bitter or both, until to start stirring that spoon.

In the forest; some are small in comparison to reading what would be a book on some ones lap that fell from the heavens. That idol they look up to who have left these pages to largely look into. A same idol they feel had once met before to do battle with, not a battle of bloodshed, more a battle for the night. Where the stars shine brightly and the moon is low as if to take it in the grasp of their hands, and the words given. This vision in the heavens, is not as what the pages foretell, as it towers above them like an ant on a blade of grass. Some have come to hear of this past vision that was once considered true, and see how are trying to make history occur again, only a single hopeless attempt.

In the stones; such a moment has come to as a balloon on a string slightly deflated of air and bounces around till that last unforgettable memory whereas others had cut loose and carried with the wind, since paths go in both directions for a hovering balloon is forced in direction as everyone to go in and where that nail is hit on the head, being that extra secure piece of string is a love who leaves their mark behind for such truth.

Joshua Ch.1:V.8-9 " - This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
 - Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

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