Saturday 13 December 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (13th December 2014)

A journey during the night where lights are low not only has a sense for feelings but also to come to their stop. Already knowing how to feel it's that moment to consider 'I' for wanting in life.

Having the freedom of the road is where the wheels of motion begin, to achieve matters that can gain more for others, just need to choose how and where.

If it is in the hat then may well want to check that the hat is not split open, from punching through where someone had sat on it before. Since what was kept inside has escaped, need to find who knows the answers.

Consider their disguised appearance behind this mask as a way to not reveal too much about them, since to know of them already. They wish of you to know who they are, as you already know for what they are.

It's that dilemma where wanting to keep thoughts warm when trying to reach the outdoors only are in need to pass temptations of fulfillments. As to a mans heart is through his stomach that flame lit is already keeping it warm.

Returning home to come baring with gifts that only journeys for miles can obtain, when being part of the job and bring home as anyone would. No wonder they are filled with excitement, so be it for the gifts to have or the presence once again. It's not just the little ones to please, there is a face on someone who changes like the seasons and emotions as often as the wind when things are developing.

In the forest; of all the things for the place to be at and there to see a face as red as a boiled lobster. A cause of embarrasment which is really uncalled for, to consider for their dressed for the occasion of whom they are. To brush up on some knowledge for skills they need to have, as where those who are wiser, seen more before they were even born. Knowing that it is the generation of new that expect something more brushed up on, only to remember it is theirself who shall grant this change. To be in control of who creates it and shall give for than those who will demand for it.

In the stones; taking each step one at a time remember they can go in either direction and although to take gradually it is those who dart across that may be dragging you down, not to meet those on the way up but those on the way down as those who may march with you also tempt to lead by the beat of the drum having more shocking surprises, making sure each step is steep so no returning to what has already been is that love who does the sums and are more of divide than addition.

Daniel Ch.2:V.21 "And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:"

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