Friday 24 October 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (24th October 2014)

It's not all the twisting and turning that gets things moving, it's the care and upkeep. When to advertise the situation shows the true extent, realising were looking for something shiney and new.

When they forget about you, file you away like a record in archives, is when those fingers dip in. That gap from showing any ailment is when they begin to wonder if everything is alright, ironic.

To truly catch them out at the right time, will need to devise a clever trap that coincides with their usual routine.

The mind is definitely in the dark, although being shown some light it becomes a race to pass those who talk. To reach where waters are rough but still manageable to walk upon and not have feet wet. As the only light others give are for those pleasures that has the heart rule the head.

In the forest; some are slow in pace with the pathes to walk, taking forever that by the time they get there those bridges built are already complete. And there is, those who have all the riches than sense, to cast ship and rely on the flow of river for direction. This choice for way, either are by the faith, that patiently waiting that crosses bridges rekindled from where have already been burnt before. Or the destiny for staying still as the waters settled or gradually drift along to be part of that slow tide flowing under a bridge. It is when things turn cold, for both their metabolism really slows down hoping things will warm again.

In the stones; that wanting peace can take a while for anything to appear down that pipeline as like for what is put in that pipe and smoke to slow down before hitting that wall, since there is other means to get what is wanted like the guidance of a smoking chalice can be that key to a door not normally seen in that wall, come from afar of distant lands and horizons is that love who would usually need a push but needs no encouragement for this new way.

Ezekiel Ch.37:V.9-10 " - Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.
 - So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army."

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