Friday 5 September 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th September 2014)

Given that surrounding protection for their pastime of keen interests, is also that pushing urge to carry matters further. Not only have made them feel safe but also encouraged a fighting backup, let's hope things do not escalate.

Watching those figures only to be seeing them drop back down to zero, that the figures to watch for concern are not those that are being worked out. The ones that are spent away from during the day and night where the real achievements show.

All that bother, through the sweat and tears to create this character for someone to be in a dreamy mind. No wonder they say, will believe it when to see it.

There is always something down the pipeline when there is dirty laundry to deal with. Seeing first what will come of it before to hang it out in public is to determine if to leave out to dry or not.

Whispered under their breath although would rather be heard louder to make them happy. Just need a helping hand to uncover this shyness, since growing up with a discipline background and a deep learning. As those who believe to speak your mind is then words set in stone on the mind, a heavy burden to carry. Why it is upto those to decide on whether allowing contact with the outside world.

In the forest; there is also to battle with the wind and wait for the clouds to pass over. As like the visions of dreams weaved by the heavens above shall disperse as like the over-cast sky. This stormy atmosphere can also be too that shelter from what is being shun down upon many minds below. Discouraging and blinding their sights of what is being foretold, that eventually the big performance has no prevail. Just the same as the shelter with watchful eyes that perhaps small things really do please small minds. Yet just the same nothing to give so nothing to gain with their intentions.

In the stones; if to go all out and so to speak hang yourself then really have not thought this one out properly as all comes tumbling down upon you like a ball on a chain not expecting to bounce back only still tied, how they appear in line with your doings as to be making it up as to go along with yourself the one in charge that the rumours are as thorns and as sharp as the burning flames, trying to adapt to the new ways in life makes a love unsure what this next to follow is to actually follow in that the truth will outburn the lies.

Proverbs Ch.27:V.24 "For riches are not for ever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?"

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