Saturday 14 June 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th June 2014)

There is always room for improvement, while to concentrate down the middle there is that extra length at both sides.

They come searching in darkness, their own path lit and they walk through dark thoughts, that only they will discover what there is to find.

A watchful eye on the outside, while to show that identification still need to get through that door. It's not what goes on inside it's what may occur outside that matters.

Two sides to a family tree, while one sits upon the top looking down at this one half black and one half white. Like the Yin and Yang with pessimistic and optimistic sides to, hoping will bring together as whole on a wishful occasion.

Seeing that guiding light, that nightlife to want, even having spilt every last bean there is a burning wall to pass and may need some means to get over it. As long as things are not wound up, someone is already learning to breathe under water. As this loving couple keeps in deep water will come to the surface packing a punch.

In the forest; such a mighty force of battling warriors, given that ultimatum to join those who have taken away what comes by naturally. To fall upon and stumble across that same location of magical water, blessed and worshipped for any to drip from out of the custom made drainage system. Poking from out of a large rock, as if this is the source of it's vitality and purity. Only, back then they may of been fooled, believed to think how this water that made any ill-willed person well again, improved anyones fallen state. Now to discover how this same over-dripping mechanism is for the same barracaded wall that keeps that water source for a selective few. No wonder how matters had taken a decending fate, conned into a fable, myth to beg of, made to believe as if to gain from a stone. The reason why the sacred holy shrine had fell, slowly yet surely keeping anything or anyone from going in that direction. This puts the mighty warriors into a battling mood, an angered state, a reason to fight it out with those they already faced upto.

In the stones; something twisted confusing and shocking yet still wishing to make attempts in that direction, as while to unravel to unwind to those senses as those temptations loosen knotted ties, getting to the point a love is direct with passion and can only take this tempting offer lying down.

St. Luke Ch.16:V.10-12 " - He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
 - If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
 - And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?"

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