Monday 3 February 2014

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd February 2014)

Shaking for those last pennies from the pockets of trousers, all that falls out is a few posies. Should of been that early bird to catch the early worm.

A chain that clearly shows the main link that keeps it all together, even much so for how patriotic they are for their position in life and their purpose.

As if to look down into your bowl and see that inspiring reflection, like a bright colourful beam that shines out. Only for others can but cover their ears.

Even that rolling teardrop is looked upon like a glistening gem, as relations do not last long. As long as it takes for those flowers to dry up, and that teardrop enough to water a seed. A seed that leads to another, only their name is a guessing game for finding clues. They who wait, patiently too, are going round in circles for this game to play out.

In the forest; a wall that keeps that secure feeling, for being able to look out in direction without having to look over their shoulder. Also a place to be secluded for those romantic rendezvous, although not sheltered from a storm. This tred with direction the growth has trodden down lead towards this secluded wall. Not as presumed away from, therefore those from afar across the open field had came by to this spot. This location that hides a village person from the busy lifestyle to secretively meet a fellow from a distance. Travelled far from a distant place over the wide fields and faint hills upon the horizon.

In the stones; will be fighting them off and all for leaving them for dust with some luck, the one they look for is whom can give direction by that person closest as for that luck is a sign of surrender, feelings for a love triangle for keeping one of them tied down till the two lovers meet really is that fire for where there is smoke with rumours.

Isaiah Ch.63:V.12 "That led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious arm, dividing the water before them, to make himself an everlasting name?"

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