Friday 8 November 2013

Psychic Philosophy for Today (8th November 2013)

Can not shout any more louder across the rooftops, just as to be a bird nesting where that roof is, their feeding habits are from pillar to post. Just not had the training like some wandering dog on the ground would of had.

If to attract will need some backbone, like the spine of a book to first glance at, if wanting to seek further grab that book and open it up.

Separate the two between playful and elegantly to show off, as either will throw the other off routine.

For them a log to burn can be made into fine smaller shreds, basically a log will be like having money to burn.

So much on the mind, yet even to spend some time to think things over is doing exactly that for what the pressure is causing. You been telling yourself all along, the need to relax. Only some have other ideas for how to do just that.

In the forest; and so the time again has arrived for the two fieldworkers to stand face-to-face and discuss the recent going-ons. While the young children walk past to join that narrow path to reach their homes from where they have spent the day. A path so over-shadowed by grown crops that their sense for surroundings will be altered once harvested. Like being sheltered from the wind, once opened out, just as the wind can change that atmosphere so too does. One of the fieldworkers feel the need to sweep matters under the carpet, left under a stone so big it is impossible to turn.

In the stones; like a passing drifting cloud that sends you on a wide path that has that light at the end of the tunnel, if to wait for the dust to settle all roads lead to the same place, ideas a love has although seems to be talking from out of their backside gives that push needed to travel on that road.

Psalms Ch.107:V.10 "Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;"

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