Friday 5 July 2013

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th July 2013)

With some need to be deep rooted for a while before they develop into their trueself, the more they can gain the more colourful they become.

It will take a group effort to pack up and move on, not one to take up alone, as what will be achieved will be a path for those to follow later on in life.

Not quite ready to hang up your coat, although the subtle hint is there for it being the ultimate finale, the big performance.

They can see how it will all plan out and the truth can only be spoken if that someone makes a stand, or allow others to play it out in their own way. Getting long in the tooth for being a sport with skills by pressing the right buttons. There is someone who talks for chemistry and that bombshell for holding the key to their inner thoughts like music to their ears.

In the forest; and so the travellers have found what they came looking for, the person of importance that sat there in the field waiting as time passed by. Found snoozing away and snoring amongst the long blades of grass where cows roam by, now need to find the strength the carry this over-sized person into the carriage. As more time will be needed see fit for the horses to rest and drink water from the shalllow lake that emerges in the boggy ground. Can not feel anymore at home in the open wild field with cattle, and still to see in the distance the vast people making their way to the attracting glowing light. Like a temple of guidance that so many are finding their way through to get to, the only guiding light these men are in need of are their lanterns. Perhaps those many who hid under the bridge can give a helping hand to carry this slumbering weight to his departure. Leaving the carriage on the side of the road, and how the sun is just about rising just maybe the sleeping prince may arouse from his deep dream of a world and walk.

In the stones; communications are of greatly yet twisted as echoes in another direction, although for mutual interests the atmosphere can be cut with a knife for the doubt that no wonder those echoed words come hitting back hard, if that passionate flame can be pushed to the limit and to the maximum then those diverted distracted matters can be whipped back into shape.

Nehemiah Ch.4:V.19 "And I said unto the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work is great and large, and we are separated upon the wall, one far from another."

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