Monday 25 February 2013

Psychic Philosophy for Today (25th February 2013)

Drawing the line where ancients have been before where to leave their markings, can it be two minds think alike or to create borderlines for pre-warnings.

Their reason comes with a sweet approach yet do you see through their gifts and play russian roulette for seeing an open invitation.

Indications are not perceived clearly that need someone of an authority to show directions only to become even more unclear leaving to read about it later.

Lessons are creating a burning passion that those teachings become the annoying disturbance when to look into the heart of a love. With just a bundle of fluff in the pocket can start off fireworks so need to prioritise, as those like waters off a ducks back whom hear the news and do not rely on those religious idols.

In the forest; when travels are taken under bridges rather than crossing them, distance between each point of importance not only has those left behind watching to leave. The point of approach has those seeing them coming, with the wind against them makes matters difficult.

In the stones; things do not go as according to plan but do you sleep on it or lose sleep on it as don't forget the dinner date the next day, with the latest situation you can cut the atmosphere with a knife and messages can easily be traced, even with a loved one trip over their own feet and fall on their arse revealing those true feelings for a couple.

Jeremiah Ch.14:V.21 "Do not abhor us, for thy name's sake, do not disgrace the throne of thy glory: remember, break not thy covenant with us."

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