Monday 22 October 2012

Psychic Philosophy for Today (22nd October 2012)

Come scratching the surface upon your door for being on the same chemistry only for one to dig further for answers than others.

They may come with destructive ideas but their purpose is purely for getting within those who cause the problem, you just been looking in from the outside.

It had been a wash out, something to read up on later too, that is if those who were there find the need to do so.

If you really need to remember what you got upto last night, perhaps a little reminder then. And you thought you knew what 'hair of the dog' is, more like complications with scraping the barrel.

Opening your eyes with the first thing to see has you working out those mice for when it comes to that bedtime. Lucky for some they been gifted with the present moment and show their leadership.

In the forest; sometimes it those bright younger ones who seem to know what is expected to be done. As if they travelled from another time and return to do what is needed. That magical water really is magical after all, as a child turns it on to trickle down and seep into the ground to slowly trail into the ponds water. Further in the ponds deep to the deepers cavity below. Awakening what lurks in the dark pit of the bottom. Those who feel the need to battle for their ground to stand on have no purpose, no meaning, now the spirit is awoken.

In the stones; it is small but you have this world right in the palm of your hand even if other places are bigger to deal with no point crying over spilt milk, especially when that turn of a new leaf has not quite been turned over just yet and what happened remains there, a love who has something to say before it occurs for knowing they put the boot in from before.

Daniel Ch.2:V.11 "And it is a rare thing that the king requireth, and there is none other that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh."

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