Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th March 2012)

You certainly are jumping hurdles although to be gifts but seen as obstacles. Perhaps look at it as a passing shower.

Your place of importance closer to home is under the spotlight only not as to think of but a more personal look. They already left scars and making a long stretch to dig their heels in you obviously can not get rid of them that easily.

You lived it, you survived the open wilderness and the rough seas you certainly deserve a medal for doing it on your own and your way. Be beneficial too later on with your memoirs.

To hang by a thread obviously were not planned out too well, not as exotic as you expected.

There are two different loves each in your eyes right now, one that offers honesty the other comfort. Though to speak as still waiting to change into that beautiful butterfly, being cautious for not wanting to have your wings broken and go through the same burning flames again. Someone gives you that loving time and it's also a deadline, time to make your mind up.

In the forest; worlds apart, one of loneliness and the past separated by the futuristic and commotion. Some do visit this lonely place set in hell that no one has lived before, as like some idol to worship. As well as where the other gods are seen to hang around for that space and time to think. Although a world that is slow, can they also let go of the future that has not yet been reached.

In the stones; if to put all your concerns to one side it be like bouncing a small world on your knee which has you able to escape this deserted place your mind is at, deciding on whether to get your feet under the table or make a quick escape, a love who likes to reach across is swimming in this same water and just about chin above the surface.

Revelation Ch.4:V.2 "And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne."