A dark mysterious visitor comes to your door where to eat your words.
Pushing the right button raises your spirits yet to still take it lying down.
No.71 has a vast mutual interest in the film industry.
Just how educated you are shows what baggage to carry, a weave of web of lies grabs that stupidity and has you feeling more normal.
A romance that begins on an outside adventure has you gambling with money, which has that someone who has cried over many tears comes out of their shyness where to feel better in themself.
In the forest; come baring gifts by the masses that not a tree is big enough to place under. Trailing across the floor, the little fairy only now awaits for those to come to collect. So too deers out on the fields, roaming freely. And, a purpose made barn to give a real life nativity look to the area.
In the stones; being on the nose which is like a seal balancing a ball on has close inspections, having to put a peg on it has wanderous walks, a love who seems of difference shortens those distances to trek.
Psalm Ch.126:V.3 "The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad."