Tuesday 15 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (15th October 2024)

This whistling in the wind can write a song from its high notes. Almost like the wind is drawing attention by gentle singing. 

Strange how the natural circumstances is what opposes with the unnatural. Why false a look that will only be ruined by what comes naturally. 

Perhaps try giving cupid a day off, his head is not all in it and a bow n arrow that looks wonky. Wouldn't want just any sort of random, atleast allow some rest to have a clearer picture for whom. 

An ancient spirit that has walked the plains of earth for centuries. Growing and becoming stronger, due to their burial ground in a maze for a tomb. The laid to rest place is deliberate to trap their soul here forever. 

Decide whether to believe with the ears from the words to hear. Or, will the eyes be more convincing with what is clear to see. Just the two are not being connected at the same time and place. There is always a third, some thing other, that'll place them together. Just have to go searching for it. 

In the forest; deeds to land are to be found where knowing the place there to be at. Still located at the last place to check and where always kept. Maybe it's something inside the mind that is saying there are somewhere else. A sense for them belonging in the hands of another. Yet no matter how the imagination plays out, the right results will always be of upperhand. 

In the stones; following guidance that only leads ontowards a sting in the tail to wonder was it guidance or bait, if to follow the mind then the path looks straight up ahead however there can be a deep fall if not careful, love will need to choose whether it's worth the heartache when the mind is convinced otherwise.

St. Matthew Ch.4:V.7 " - Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." 

Monday 14 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (14th October 2024)

Alarm clocks will be ringing for this star studded event. It has everyone jumping through hoops over. 

For them it is a luxury, and that doesn't come by too often, however. For others who do not have that luxury, it's a disgust for not knowing what they would be having. 

There's no denying it, just by their presence it is obvious for what cause. It's nobody's guess when the devil come calling. 

No point being now all old and frail with long in the tooth. Already knew this was to become, had been warned on many occasions, and now this day has arrived. 

To be on the same page hasn't the book suppose to be open. Instead are judging upon prediction by what the cover shows. If to train monkies by those presumptions then others will soon believe in that too. 

In the forest; this central focal point is a well. A crevice in the midst of nowhere filled like a bowl of water. It's whats below that shallow water that draws everyones attention. Life has been spiralling for everyone and it's all due to this pool of water. 

In the stones; must be something specially blessed to be together from when were young friends to now lovers, everything grown together and seen through the thick of it at the worse of times, love is unbreakable where the two are rock solid.

Jeremiah Ch.7:V.8-10 " - Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. 
 - Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not;
 - And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? "

Sunday 13 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (13th October 2024)

Knowing the possibilities yet having to try harder to achieve. Like a mermaid stuck on a rock in search for water. 

Not just disguising their features, have to cover up their movements too. Characteristics can be recognised from body movements as well as looks. 

Romance is not just something to do but is also an expression of feeling. How ironic will flowers be coming from someone who eats plants. 

The importance of understanding where they are from, knowing their background and upbringing. Is the elephant who thought its ears were wings, for being around birds for too long. 

Firstly, that's not a teacup to say are having a storm in. It's a saucepan about to boil over. Of course are being forced into other directions, that's what happens when to let matters reach to panic. 

In the forest; not even a hurricane will spoil their fun. Almost as if they keep that hurricane from taking affect. As they continue to go about their way. While above and behind are sending their mind spiralling. Physically are fit to go out and conquer the day. 

In the stones; as all things that go around through the grapevine some get more excited than most and swing from vine to vine, of course with swinging vines they swing back so expect the same details to come around again, love too comes around upon a whim for the same thoughts that are shared and if true then their thoughts were right.

1 Timothy Ch.1:V.6-7 " - From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;
 - Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm." 

Saturday 12 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (12th October 2024)

The one who is about to drop a bombshell is also the same one who holds that bombshell prior to dropping. Know what is to explode and contend with before it's to happen. 

Always does start off small, a taster for what's to come. Then things are brought out bigger to give the impression there's plenty more. 

That's no broach, it's a symbol of a secret place they attend. The exact same shape, style, and shiny gems is of much greater size when to find it. 

Hasn't the phoenix suppose to burn itself into ashes before it rises again from those same ashes. All that's here is a pile of ashes gathered inside a furnace collected from random sources. And now expect something to rise from it. That's not how it works. 

Well it helps to guide than find a way through the dark. Even if just a small flame from a candle, it's enough. And look how they come seeing a brighter light ontowards others also needing guidance. 

In the forest; odd how things in life on the mass scale builds up to a point. Where to then wish to reverse the course in nature to thrive. All those concrete and metal buildings taking over the greenery. And now to a point in finding life that can grow. When to already had it yet now it's gone. 

In the stones; romantic under moonlight while in their arms however a cloud is soon to hover shaped like a triangle, being under that cloud is least of problems as it's what they are getting up to upon it, love gives an ultimatum whether on who they make these pleasures with.

Acts Ch.26:V.6 " - And now I stand and am judged for the hope of the promise made of God unto our fathers:" 

Friday 11 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (11th October 2024)

Well isn't that the ugly truth, only more ugly for those who need to tell it. 

Change their abilities and they are known for something else. Basically, get what to expect. 

At first it seems as one thing but the more to acknowledge the more it seems another. Is Atlas carrying the world upon his shoulders or is he holding it back? 

Might feel are on top of the world, standing on an edge of a peak. Being up that high only sees for even more greater things to conquer. Need to bring it down to perspective, as are getting too big for oneself. 

It's obvious they've taken on far too much to think about. They are not willing to admit it, be it defeat or needing help. It's how others succeeded, a gem by itself, because no one else dared to be in the open clear area that surrounds it. 

In the forest; are dealing with the wind that blows through the fields. For something so vast for anything small yet it just scrapes across the surface. Like the dormouse in a field of barley, thinking it'll be had for as long as can wish for. The hand that deals like the wind will sweep away all that barley and leave the dormouse to seek further afield. 

In the stones; that's just it when to go climbing back on that horse and having no idea how it'll react, perhaps should have learnt how to fly instead as to never lose those wings but a horse can bolt from the barn, love will always protect and shelter but there is a time when to step out and someone elses loving protection and shelter to find.

St. Mark Ch.4:V.7 " - And some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit." 

Thursday 10 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (10th October 2024)

This meeting in the middle was not expected of them to come flying in. Who knows how further the middle they land which gives no choice but to go along with whatever means. 

A circle forms by the combined developing of many whom dwell within. Cannot create a circle by alone and then expect the latter. 

Might be amazed how far a bit of wind in the sails can push the ship across waters. It doesn't take much once it gets the ship going. 

Don't let it be said, that sharks do give a warning when swimming around. If caught within their wide open mouth that bites. Can't say they never told you so. 

Visions that are yet to appear cannot be combed through prior before just to be sure they are clear. Whatever it is about to be spelled out there still others to complete the word. 

In the forest; if things are going backwards then prepare for monkies to be running the place. What may seem bad now have seen nothing yet. Can only blame oneself for feeding them. Of course they'll start throwing their shit around. 

In the stones; even though to part the moonlight continues to shine and only oneself finds the dark corners where the moon can't illuminate, within the slightest areas where even cracks may appear for a slither of light is helpful to find a way, love appears too where the moon beams the brightest as both found the way.

Jeremiah Ch.38:V.26 " - Then thou shalt say unto them, I presented my supplication before the king, that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan's house, to die there." 

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (9th October 2024)

Even the most wisest person obtained their knowledge from the words written by another. The real intelligence is knowing how and when to use that knowledge. 

Give it a few years and that lady won't be looking as much of a lady. So just be careful criticising their lady and the tramp love life. 

Clever that they manage to fade into the background like they do. Like a chameleon that disguises themselves with all the background. They have more than just eyes to pry with, their ears and sense of touch, too. 

Some have a natural way for keeping their chin up. Having a double chin is one of them. Just can't help themselves, so excuse them for appearing to be too gracious. Them looking down from the end of their nose is unintentional. 

Cannot miss it, even if tried to, it'll probably hit between the eyes or bang on the head to remind where it is. Doubt anyone will let it go anyway, others are already blowing the whistle on matters. 

In the forest; they will only judge when and if asked to be judged. While they seem as an observing person, they only give their opinion if it is required of them. Otherwise it'll make them an interfering busy body. They do have compassion too, by being a normal individual can blend in where it is necessary. 

In the stones; to crack the whip literally means to use it for greater gain and not just stand there holding it, not all circumstances are of good use where some situations is for manipulating an advantage, love cannot be cheated to win someones heart but it can be encouraged by the cracking sound of that whip.

Esther Ch.2:V.13 " - Then thus came every maiden unto the king; whatsoever she desired was given her to go with her out of the house of the women unto the king's house." 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (8th October 2024)

There's bound to be someone out there who can relate. Where does the inspiration all come from in the first place. 

Like a dog with a ball, it can only go in two ways, either to go chasing after it or chew it to pieces. Sure it's worth hitting it into their court. 

Think might find it has the royal approval. So make it a good one as they will be watching. 

It has always been a rock star life to have led. Always have always will. For the time being their rock strings are quiet, their voice is still heard. Just have to roll with it. 

While that 18 opens up new doors they are still young. So go gentle on them, they're still at the walking stage not running yet. Saying that, this ride they're on puts them in a faster pace. So others better buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride. 

In the forest; what doesn't help is how high this window is up in the sky. Just how exactly are suppose to reach that high up. Not like it's on a rope to pull down lower. Or any ladder can climb that distance in height. All it can be is an imaginary vision of an impossible horizon. 

In the stones; well someones keen to get started the moment they hit rock bottom, infact it seems everyone else prefers if to stay down there longer so they can have 'work' to do but that's precisely been trying to do, love will oblige to anything in need doing only they had other ideas that's all.

Deuteronomy Ch.4:V.8 " - And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?" 

Monday 7 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (7th October 2024)

The eyes do not give guidance yet they show the way ontowards. 

This so-called snake in the grass is not hiding. They're with mouth wide open waiting for a prey to pass by and then bite. 

How can anyone tell what their problem is when they keep changing appearance. Not just dealing with a troll upon a bridge. They're one thing one day and another thing the next. 

Original ideas always become exaggerated. Like a solid thick wall, outside on the surface resembles stone. In that stone if to chip it away will find a thin layer of wall made from gold. 

Same method just done in a different theory. That beast of animal inside, thirsting for water, yet today are shown for a more formal way of drinking. This small doses to train the mind, can be overwhelmed as civilization grows and builds bridges onto others. 

In the forest; when someone absolutely opens up their entire world for another. Lets them in and gives permission to live by at their side. There is no question of doubt nor feelings of distrust. The one thing to have proven is to be grateful they live. And forever in their world, their home, and their heart. 

In the stones; real love is a protection that can create a shield around however this also requires physical energy to keep strong, otherwise clouded will become and trying to find eachother through unclear visions, love sees through the chaos when they follow their heart than what is clouded in the head.

Isaiah Ch.32:V.16 " - Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field." 

Sunday 6 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (6th October 2024)

We are all born with eyes wide open, taking in the whole knowledge of life inside our tiny universe. Infatuated by the learning from our nearest. What is there to understand when those eyes are not open wide. 

Curiosity is stirred when to grow suspicious for what may be happening. To follow those curious thoughts can lead down into a dark tunnel. 

If being put onto a pedestal is one thing, it is basically just a huge cock to be looking up to. That is all to be contending with, not an idol, nor an intelligent individual, just a huge erect cock. 

From the shape of things, while they wear that heart in a place obvious to see. They take very tiny precautious footsteps. Don't think they wish to have that big heart on show as much as they pretend. 

As comfortable as they can feel, surrounded by soft cushions, giving an all around sense of support. Deep inside are still trying to hug themselves and actually be comfortable. This goes much deeper than the surface. The thought of using a pillow on their head to block out disturbance. Eventually that pillow will become heavy and won't wish to budge. There needs to be some other solution, whether in theory, something. 

In the forest; being strapped, caged, and in a straitjacket, is all for studying the individual. This isolated place where no sign of the normal civilization in society exists. Is to understand whether this behaviour is all from a personal characteristics. Personally to know of the real person inside that creates their whole persona. To resolve that the actions taken were not provoked by the cruel world the mind tends to believe are in. Or are just naturally a nasty bastard. We are all innocent until proven guilty. 

In the stones; before to throw allegations around like tossing the contents from out of a glass into their face there is a moment where the arm has to reach out, it is at this moment where people question and doubt to disregard the contents from the glass as well as where it hit the most, love can throw allegations too only they do so by pissing all over it as such retaliation goes.

Romans Ch.4:V.4 " - Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt." 

Saturday 5 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (5th October 2024)

Through all the chaos and destruction are still standing to witness the aftermath. This is so can acknowledge every minute detail as to piece it together. 

An open window is much clearer than a closed one. Not only to see but also to hear that world beyond the window to be looking out of. 

The mind is not as keen as what the hands are. Keeping thoughts from reaching an edge yet the will and might of a spiritual force encourages those hands to stretch further. 

To get on with ones knitting will need some wool to those knitting needles. No point making a clickety sound without producing something. 

People may come and go and ideas long gone and buried. Yet the purpose for it all remains the same. Take the invention of the wheel, how many other reasons is the wheel for yet the wheel always will be for that purpose. 

In the forest; obviously cannot live a life being sheltered. What life is that to always be under this protective shield. Even animals get to run freely upon open lands. It will do no good being cooped up in a tight concealed environment. However, that slight opened top, free air to breathe, wide open space. It has its own set of rules to abide by. Putting it lightly, the sheltered life seems more pleasant. 

In the stones; if galloping on horses is the same as walking on the shoulders of giants then that first hurdle is jumped, these hurdles are like a bar set and pushed to achieve yet are alone in doing so, love is not going to expect someone else to fulfill their desires unless they are mutually together to.

St. John Ch.8:V.47 " - He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God." 

Friday 4 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (4th October 2024)

Their cradle was rocked already, so why the fuss over how their bed has been made. All grown up and can lie in it. 

There's a lot of sour grapes being bottled up and had a cork put in it. Time to uncork it and have a good old whine. 

Careful what is being stirred in that cauldron. May seem like a brewing potion, it can easily be tilted and resemble a loose cannon. 

There is nothing that can shock them now. They walk around looking like static, even a lightning bolt is unfelt. 

Upon their disguise to whom to believe are fooling. Now who is foolish. The worst part of it all, there was a point to know were being had by others. On the tip of the tongue it were. 

In the forest; a ruler to their kingdom do not need to wait. That developing tree has already established and been felled. Now lies there upon the ground within the kingdom it rules. And still continues to rule, as it represents the kingdom that has firmly been rooted. As the terminology for it, sleeping like a log. 

In the stones; made the first biggest steps by coming out the door and taking a step forward but now what, without any guidance are now on the path alone and maybe will become someone elses guidance, love is not always about finding someone but placing oneself in alignment with the stars and being the one to be found.

St. Matthew Ch.13:V.57 " - And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house." 

Thursday 3 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (3rd October 2024)

Perhaps it'll be better to watch from the sidelines, remain in the background, step back to observe from the shadows. That centre of attention no longer becomes centre once to near. 

See for what they offer, as what they seem to give is not what to expect. In fact, what is wanted by them, they behold, when not to take them up on it. 

Just sniffing around trying to seek out a scent of a trail. Their snarling is just for not finding what they hoped for. They'll get over it. 

Finally see through the veil that opened the window to that outside world. Can see the desperation in that frogs face, this kiss has a lot at stake for their claws digging in. 

Didn't take much to reveal their true colours. It must have been frustrating for them to keep biting their tongue while hiding behind a fake mask. Something finally snapped in them. Now they can sit amongst other people in high places. Something they all share. 

In the forest; take a wild guess, actually it's a guess out of many. Instead of taking them at first glance they come with plenty to choose from. Images of random interests pass by like a dealt deck of cards. Pick one and will soon see how they conform to that choice. 

In the stones; unless they have suddenly grown wings and can fly however they're no angel so are demanding they come down, clearly there is this passing the buck for who really is to blame which is an ongoing and ongoing debate, love needs to settle this before moving on and won't budge until it's finally put to bed (pardon the pun).

Jeremiah Ch.12:V.15 " - And it shall come to pass, after that I have plucked them out I will return, and have compassion on them, and will bring them again, every man to his heritage, and every man to his land." 

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Psychic Philosophy for Today (2nd October 2024)

So the cracks are showing, this is where to tell whom are ignorant towards such obvious thing. Most will know not to make matters worse, and then, some will pretend to not notice and break the cracks even more. 

It's true, can never tell what might come out of that big mouth of theirs. For being, it is so widely open that anything can get thrown in and then spat out again. Best thing to do is just not feed it with anymore details. 

Not worth even thinking about what becomes of an unkissed frog. It obviously doesn't turn into a prince. Infact it will be the exact thing didn't want. 

If matters on the mind have not got too bad to think about. There might just be some room to be pleasurably distracted. Otherwise the head is just not feeling it. 

Well things must be desperate on the romantic front. Surely, are just holding on to fond memories hoping they can be revived again with someone new. Even if relationships of new occur it is all built upon the relationships of others before. 

In the forest; trying to see through the eyes of a creature of the night. Having cats eyes will give a small world perspective. Yet an adventurous journey if to allow them to roam wild. With a life oneself has of being tied down, this alter-ego gives some escapism. 

In the stones; it's long been told and now to see for oneself by looking at them just know they will be better off behind that mask, unlike a wedge between eachother are both sitting on that wedge and it's life that comes between the two, love will turn those obstacles into small size gaps that become the wedge between those who believe otherwise.

Acts Ch.26:V.18 " - To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."